Solar Panel Installation

A Renewable Home Energy solar contractor will walk you through each step of your solar project from evaluation to monitoring to ensure solar energy success.

1. Evaluation – Is solar energy a smart choice for you?

Your local Renewable Home Energy solar contractor will conduct a thorough evaluation and audit to determine if using solar power is right for you. This may start with a phone consultation to get information about your energy usage and goals. A certified technician will then come to your home or business to take measurements and evaluate possible locations for your panels.

Deciding on the best placement of solar panels at your site is key to achieving the most energy savings. Most solar panels are placed on south facing roofs of houses, garages, sheds, carports, porches or awnings. However, panels that face east and west may work too.

Your technician will discuss all issues that may affect your solar installation and its effectiveness at this time. The size, age, material or pitch of your roof, as well shading issues should be addressed. If roof installation is not viable, your technician will discuss alternatives such as ground or pole mounted solar panels.

2. Proposal – Your solar energy blueprint.

A design for your solar project showing the layout of your solar panels and its system components will be presented to you for approval. This proposal should provide a blueprint for achieving the maximum solar power output to meet your present and future electric needs. Upon your approval, your installer will obtain all required permits as well as complete the solar rebate paperwork to get you the financial benefits of using solar.

3. Installation – Connecting your home or business to the sun.

Installation times can vary depending on the project, but most projects take just 2 to 5 days. First, the installation crew will position and secure the mounting system on your roof to lay the foundation for the panels. Then the solar panels are installed. The panels are then wired to a central inverter that converts the electricity generated by the photovoltaic solar cells into electricity to use in your home. Your contractor will also install a monitoring system so you can keep track of your solar project’s performance.

4. Start-up – Watching solar energy work for you.

After installation, your solar energy system will be inspected by the appropriate utility and building inspectors. Your installer will then turn your system on and will help you monitor your solar energy production to ensure the system is working to its fullest potential. Your home or business is now producing clean, renewable energy at a fraction of the cost.

Solar Panel Installation

Although your solar panels are made to withstand extreme temperatures, high winds, and heavy snow and require little to no maintenance, your installer should recommend regular inspections and cleaning to make sure your system is operating at its fullest potential. Most solar panels have a 25 to 30 year warranty.