Dispelling some popular solar myths

Myth #1 – Solar doesn’t work when it’s cloudy or cold

Truth – Solar panels collect direct and diffused light, so even on a cloudy day your panels will still produce adequate levels of electricity. Since solar cells absorb light to produce energy, they don’t need heat to function. Solar panels actually conduct electricity better when they are cold so they work well in cooler climates.

Myth #2 – You need a southern facing roof to install solar panels

Truth – Solar panels can face southeast or southwest and still perform. Plus, there are a variety of alternative installation options for solar panels including ground, wall and pole mounting as well as tracking mounts that automatically tilt panels toward the sun.

Myth #3 – Solar panels are too expensive to install

Truth – The cost of solar panels has fallen sharply since the end of 2010, making them more affordable. Rebates, tax credits, leasing and financing options will also decrease the cost of your system drastically. And don’t forget to factor in the immediate savings on your electric bill. All these things should be considered when measuring the economic benefits of going solar.

Myth #4 – Solar power is unreliable

Truth – Solar power comes from the renewable energy of the sun, a resource that will never run out. Using solar energy can be more reliable than the utility company since it is not subject to power outages. Also, solar panel systems require little to no maintenance as they have no moving parts and have a 25 plus year lifespan.

Myth #5 – Solar power won’t save me money

Truth – The savings on your electric bill is immediate. Many homeowners report that they have cut their energy bills between 50% and 100% after installing solar panels. With rebates, incentives, and tax cuts, the return on your solar investment could be much sooner than you think. As prices for fossil fuels continue to rise, solar power is a beneficial and economical option for everyone.

Myth #6 – Solar panels are obtrusive

Truth – Solar panels today are better engineered to blend into the roof of your building. Many have been designed to integrate with a wide range of architectural styles and environments. Solar shingles, for example, blend almost seamlessly with traditional roofing materials.

Myth #7 – Solar energy can’t replace energy from fossil fuels

Dispelling some popular solar myths


The U.S. is one of the fastest growing solar energy markets in the world. Many states now require utilities to sell an increasing amount of renewable electricity. Unlike the limited supply and rising costs of fossil fuels, the supply of solar energy is unlimited giving consumers an energy independence not possible with fossil fuels.