Home Energy Audit Pricing

There are two types of Home Energy Audits.  The first type of audit is known by various names, such as Comprehensive, Diagnostic or Full Service, Home Energy Audit.  The second type also has various monikers, such as Clipboard, Walk Through, Home Energy Survey.

The difference is the amount of time spent, the diagnostics used during the audit, and the type of report provided. A description of the various components of a Home Energy Audit isavailable

A typical Diagnostic Home Energy Audit, will take 3 – 6 hours for a single family home.  It will include a Blower Door Test, a detailed Infrared Scan, and other tests as determined during the field work. The duct work will be inspected. Pressure Testing of the Duct Work is an additional diagnostic test that is warranted in some cases.

The report will run from 6 – 20+ pages plus the Infrared Image Reporting. It includes a detailed description of the work to address items noted. A computer model of the Energy Usage in the home is included. This Report includes a HERS Report which is required for many programs including an FHA Energy Efficiency Mortgage. The report for a Diagnostic Home Energy Audit is personally reviewed with the home owner.

A typical Home Energy Survey involves one to two hours of field work. No diagnostic testing is used. The Infrared Scan may assist the Auditor in some areas.

The report will run three – ten pages. It will not include any Infrared Reporting.  The report will provide a estimate of the energy usage in the home and suggested work to improve the performance of the home. It will include the necessary certification by the HERS Rater to qualify for a Veteran’s Administration Energy Efficient Mortgage. The report of a Home Energy Survey is delivered by email or USPS.

Home Energy Audit Pricing

Pricing as of April, 2015

Diagnostic Home Energy Audit:                              $425.00

Home Energy Survey:                                                $225.00

Mileage Rates are included for nearby areas. Areas farther out, have a mileage charge. The need for and the actual cost of the mileage charge is determined prior to scheduling the audit.

Alternative wind energy

Some more words about wind energy and wind sources. Wind energy – the energy sector, specializing in the use of wind energy – kinetic energy of air masses in the atmosphere. Wind energy attributed to renewable energy, as it is a consequence of the sun. Wind energy is a booming industry.

Windmills used for grinding grain in Persia in earlies 200 BC. Mills of this type were common in the Islamic world and in the 13th century brought to Europe by the Crusaders. In the XVI century in Europe’s cities begin to build a water pumping stations with the use of hydraulic and wind mills. Windmills that produce electricity, were invented in the 19th century in Denmark.

Blow the bills from the table

There, in 1890 year was built the first wind farm, and by 1908 year, there were already 72 stations ranging from 5 to 25 kW. The largest of them had a height of 24 m tower and four-bladed rotor diameter of 23 m. The predecessor of modern windmills with the horizontal axis was 100 kW and was built in 1931 in Yalta, Russia. It had a tower of 30 m. By 1941, unit capacity of wind power station reached 1.25 MW. In the period from 1940 to 1970 wind power is going through a period of decline due to intensive development of transmission and distribution networks for independent power supply on the weather for reasonable money.Revival of interest in wind energy began in 1980, when California began providing tax incentives for producers of electricity from wind. Most prevalent in the world got wind turbine design with three blades and the horizontal axis of rotation, although in some places still meet and bilobed. The most promising sites for energy production from wind are coastal areas.

Alternative wind energy

Wind generators in operation almost does not consume fossil fuels. The work of one wind turbine for 20 years with power of 1 MW will save about 29 thousand tons of coal or 92 thousand barrels of oil. In contrast to conventional thermal power plants, wind farms do not use water that can significantly reduce pressure on water resources.


Some introduction to wind power

Wind power, also has the names of wind turbine, wind generator, wind generators and windmills. Wind power is used to power small farms, houses and cottages. Wind power can provide electricity to individual consumers for the use of lighting, appliances, a TV and much more.

Wind power – a few wind turbines assembled in one or more locations. Large wind farms can contain 100 or more turbines. Wind power plants built in areas with high average wind speeds – from 4,5 m/s and above. Previously there must be special research of the potential areas. Anemometers installed at a height of 30 to 100 meters, and within one to two years gathering information about wind speed and direction. The information obtained can be combined to map the availability of wind energy. These maps (and a special software) allow potential investors to evaluate the rate of return on the project. Wind speed increases with height. Therefore, wind farms are built on top of hills or uplands, and generator mounted on tall towers of 30-60 meters. Take into account things that can affect the wind: trees, large buildings, etc.

During the construction of wind power is taken into account the influence of wind turbines on the environment. Laws adopted in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark, restrict the noise level of running wind power plant of up to 45 dB in daytime and 35 dB at night. Minimum distance from installation to homes – 300 m.

The history of windmills (a name given to wind power, wind power generators) began in the last century. Already in 1995, using of wind turbines worked out four and a half thousand megawatts of electricity. The cost of wind turbines at this time decreased significantly, and consequently the cost per kilowatt has become smaller. For statistics: in 1988, cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity was 40 cents, today it is approximately equal to 5 cents. So, this cost is approaching to the cost of electricity generated by traditional sources of energy (oil, coal, gas).

The use of wind power (wind turbines) has several advantages compared to other power plants:

– Development and installation of wind turbines are very expensive procedure, but you need to consider such an advantage as the use of free wind energy
– When compared to nuclear power, then, using wind power is no problem of storage and processing of nuclear waste
– The use of wind turbines, is a very environmentally friendly way to generate electricity.

Some introduction to wind power

The only drawback in the use of wind power is the lack of wind, not all regions have the opportunity to put wind turbines, because of the low frivolity in those areas where there is enough wind may not be required to install wind turbines due to its distance from residential houses, villages and other sites .


Introduction to solar energy

Solar energy – the direction of alternative energy, based on the direct use of sunlight to generate energy in any form. Solar power uses a renewable source of energy and is environmentally friendly, that is not generating hazardous waste. Energy production using solar power is well agreed with the concept of distributed energy production. Methods for producing electricity and heat from solar radiation:

– Getting electricity through photovoltaic cells.

– Convert solar energy into electricity using heat engines: a) steam engines (piston or turbine), using water vapor, carbon dioxide, propane, butane, freon; b) Stirling engine, etc.

– Solar thermal energy – heating the surface, absorbing the sun’s rays, and the subsequent distribution and use of heat (focusing sunlight on a vessel with water for subsequent use in heating, hot water or steam electrical generators).
– Convection power (converting solar energy into the flow of air directed at the turbine generator).
– Solar balloon power (generation of steam inside the balloon by heating the surface by solar radiation, coated with a selectively absorbing coating). Advantage – a pair of stock in the tank is sufficient for power at night and in inclement weather.


– Accessibility and inexhaustible source.
– In theory, the complete security to the environment, although it is likely that the widespread introduction of solar energy can change the albedo of the earth’s surface and lead to climate change (but at the present level of energy consumption is extremely unlikely).


– depending on weather and time of day.
– As a consequence, the need for energy accumulation.
– The high cost structure.
– The need for constant cleaning of the reflecting surface from dust.
– Heating the atmosphere above the power station.

Fundamental research

– Due to theoretical limitations in converting the spectrum into usable energy (30%) for photocells of the first and second generation requires the use of large areas of land for power plants. For example, for 1 GW power plant it may be a few tens of square kilometers (for comparison – hydropower, with the same capacity, prints from the use of much larger tracts of land), but the construction of solar power plants of such capacity may lead to changes in the microclimate in the locality, so basically installed photovoltaic power station 1 – 2 MW close to consumers or even individual and mobile units. Photovoltaic cells on the large solar power plants installed at a height of 1,8-2,5 m, which allows the use of land for power plants for agricultural purposes, such as for grazing. The problem of finding large areas of land for solar power is solved in the case of the solar balloon stations, suitable for both terrestrial and maritime and for high-rise home.

– The flow of solar energy falling on a set at the optimum angle of cell, depending on latitude, season and climate and may vary twice for the settlement of the land (up to three in view of the Sahara Desert). Atmospheric phenomena (clouds, fog, dust, etc.) not only alter the range and intensity of the incident on the surface of the Earth’s solar radiation, but also alter the ratio between direct and scattered radiation, which exerts considerable influence on some types of solar power plants, such as hubs or on the elements of a wide range of conversion.

Applied research

– Photovoltaic converters work day and work less efficiently in the morning and evening twilight. The peak power consumption falls on the evening. In addition, the produced electricity can fluctuate sharply and unexpectedly due to changing weather. To overcome these shortcomings by using solar power efficient electric batteries (today it is not enough to solve the problem), or converted into other energy forms, such as building a pumped storage stations, which occupy large areas, or the concept of hydrogen energy, which today still not cost effective. Today, this problem is simply solved by creating a unified energy systems, which redistribute generated and power consumption. The problem according to some power solar power plant on time of day and weather conditions is also solved by using solar power balloons.
– To date, relatively high price of solar cells. With the development of technology and rising prices for fossil fuels, this shortcoming is overcome. In 1990-2005. prices for solar cells decreased on average by 4% a year.
– The surface of the graphic panels and mirrors must be cleaned of dust and other contaminants. In the case of large photovoltaic plants, in their area of several square kilometers, it can cause difficulties.

– The efficiency of photovoltaic cells decreases when they are heated (mostly it concerns systems with concentrators), so there is a need to install cooling systems, usually water. Also in the photoelectric converters of the third and fourth generations are used to cool the conversion of thermal radiation rays are consistent with the absorbent material in the photovoltaic element (the so-called up-conversion), which simultaneously improves the efficiency.

Introduction to solar energy
– After 30 years of operation, the efficiency of photovoltaic cells begins to decline. Spent it’s solar cells, although a small part of them, mostly for special purposes, contains a component (cadmium), which is unacceptable disposed of in landfills. Needed additional expansion of the industry at it’s disposal.

The idea of wind electromobile making

The following idea consists in use of the hands to collect wind generator and its installation on the car – as the additional power supply. Or if you have an electromobile, necessity for the compelled stop for additional charge of accumulators disappears. To be recharged it is possible and on the move – from established miniwind power installation.

At movement of a vehicle, the speed of a wind is always enough for work small self-made miniwind power installation which can be marked on a roof – under fastenings or on a luggage carrier on a roof, strongly having fixed the unit. Who has a lot of place under a cowl – it is also possible to squeeze miniwind power installation there.


To gather data on electrogenerators you can read some books of electrical engineers. Main principles of work of electric generators of constant and variable currents, electric motors, resistance, and condensers are stated. All is explained on examples with illustrations, explaining all the problems and control questions.
At use of low-power miniwind power installation it’s possible to direct the received pressure, for example, on additional charge of the accumulator of your car if the generator knocks. Naturally, it is necessary will take care of safety, passing a current through rectifiers, stabilizers, and possibly, inverters.
The idea of wind electromobile making
Wind power using in the given direction – is very perspective for a transport feeding, as we receive stable speed of a wind stream which depends only on speed of movement of a vehicle.
It is not obligatory to buy expensive electromobiles, it is possible to make it by ourselves  – bringing the general contribution to this creative process.


Hydro Energy

Hydroelectric power is one of the most ancient sources of energy in human history: the use of energy accumulated or running water through water wheels have been practiced in China in the III century BC. The Romans used windmills for grinding grain, which they brought from the colonies. They built the dam as well as Arabs, who by water wheels set in motion a sawmill. Later, water power was used to start and run hammers in drawing production, during grinding spices and forestry work for the transport of timber in the valley until the growing industry of the XIX century is not switched to water turbines.

For nearly 100 years of water energy is used primarily for electricity generation – today the world is only one-fifth of all electricity generated by water power. Hydropower – one more source of energy, which claims to be environmentally clean. At the beginning of 20th century large and mountain rivers of the world have attracted attention, and at the end of the century, most of them were partitioned into cascades of dams. Thanks to this energy prices have become incredibly cheap.


However, this has resulted in massive damage to agriculture and nature: land above the dam flooded, lower – falling groundwater levels, lost a huge area of land goes to the bottom of giant reservoirs. Also interrupts the natural flow of rivers, water reservoirs rot, falling fish stocks, etc. On mountain rivers, all these disadvantages were reduced to a minimum, but adds another disadvantage: in case of an earthquake capable of destroying the dam, a catastrophe could cause thousands of casualties. Therefore, modern large-scale hydropower are not really clean.

However, the disadvantages of hydropower generated the idea of a “mini hydrostations”, which may be located on small rivers or streams, their electricity will be working with small drops of water or driven only by the power flow. These mini hydrostations can be installed on major rivers with a relatively fast flowing.

Elaborated centrifugal and propeller units blown portable hydroelectric power from 0.18 to 30 kilowatts. When the maquila sector unified hydro-turbine equipment, “mini-hydrostation” capable of competing with “maximum” at a cost of kilowatt-hours. Undoubted advantage is the possibility of their installation in even the most remote corners of the country: all of the equipment can be transported on a single pack-horses, and the installation or removal takes just a few hours.

Another very promising development, have not yet been widely used, is a newly created helicoid Gorlov turbine (named after its creator). Its peculiarity lies in the fact that she does not need a strong pressure and works effectively, using the kinetic energy of water flow – the rivers, ocean currents or tides. This invention changed the usual view of hydro electrostation, which power was previously depends on the strength of water pressure, that is the height of the hydroelectric dam.

Hydro Energy

In Switzerland, hydropower covers about 56% of the country’s needs in energy. Hydroelectric power plants produce more than 1/3 of energy. 25% accounted for by small power plants that use natural water pressure to rotate the hydraulic turbine. There are also pumped storage power plant (PSPP), working on the principle of pumping water from one reservoir to another, which are located at different levels.


What is the biofuel? Small introduction

Biofuel is a fuel from biological raw materials, as a rule – from an agricultural production waste. Biofuel consists of a liquid biofuel (for internal combustion engines, for example, ethanol, a biodiesel engine), and firm biofuel (fire wood, straw).

Growth of tariffs for traditional kinds of fuel motivates active introduction of alternative kinds of the fuel, from one of which became pellets or the fuel granules which have won a strong place in the world market of biofuel.

Fuel or wood granules (pellets) represent the pressed cylinders in diameter of 4-10 mm and length 2-5 sm processed from the dried up rests of a waste wood manufacture: wood sawdust, a shaving, a bark, knots, branches etc. The energy in one kg of wood granules corresponds 0,5 litres of liquid fuel. Except economic benefit, using of pellets promotes decrease in harmful emissions in atmosphere.

Biologycal engines

There are 2 kinds of a pellets. These are granules for heating of apartment houses which are called “white” because of a special whiteness. This qualitative kind of granules is on sale under higher prices, than granules for the big boiler-houses – industrial pellets, which, as a rule, has a bigger diameter, than “white” pellets. Industrial granules because of presence in them of a high share of a bark have no such white colour, as granules for premises. The parity of consumption of granules for private heating and industrial systems makes approximately 1:10. Only the small part of all wood granules maked out in the world is on sale through trading retail networks.

The price on pellets for heating of premises makes from 140 to 160 euros for ton. They are realised either in bags, or in special containers. Giving of wood granules in boiler-houses of large industrial objects and heating systems is carried out automatically. The price on industrial pellets is about 85 euros for ton.

Granules of the big sizes are called as briquettes. Fuel briquettes are issued on the special equipment. Also serially are issued the press which can simultaneously let out both granules and briquettes, and they are already used all over the world. Wood briquettes, as a rule, are used for household systems of heating and have the various sizes and the form.

What is the biofuel? Small introduction

Cost of wood briquettes in the European market can sometimes be above cost of granules, but they occupy and considerably smaller segment of the market compressed fuel. The parity of releasing of fuel briquettes and granules in the world makes approximately 1:20.


Some words about alternative energy

Recently, we often hear phrases such as “alternative energy”, “renewable energy”, “low energy”. So what is it? Why are so many talks about alternative power? And what kind of alternative energy sources can be?

Let’s start with alternative energy sources. Also, they are called renewable energy sources, linking it with some features of this type of energy – the ability to infinitely replenished, unlike natural gas, coal, peat and oil which are exhaustible energy sources. That’s why, as you already guess, all that is not related to oil and gas: wind, sun, water, geothermal, inflows-outflows. Small-scale power can be based on any kind of a fuel, but the station should not produce more than 10 megawatts of electricity.

Alternatives for a better world

Why do we need it? We need it now only for one reason – all this types of energy are inexhaustible. So, if we will come to a special stage in the development of our mankind, when all of exhaustible resources – oil, gas, peat, coal – will disappear, we would be able to benefit from these sources. If we will be ready for this, especially with minimum technology and knowledge.

Why all this became suddenly so important and all the politicians, presidents and other people began to speak about this from the TV screens? All this is very simple. Oil and gas are running out. And all because of energy-importing countries (read: oil and gas) are trying to quickly cease to be dependent on exporting countries. Someone is trying to maintain low prices for energy sources, which leads to a similar political problems.

And some countries and people are trying to use independent sources of energy, given the particular geographical situation of their country. Somebody has a sunny days all year long – that makes solar panels with solar collectors on their roofs. Somewhere winds blow – it’s fine too. They are ready for using windmills everywhere.

Thera is a small energy also. What is this? It’s any generating machine with capacity of 10-15 MW. It’s very ease to use in a small towns where people simply have no need to build a more powerful power generators.

Some words about alternative energy

The question applies not only to extract electrical energy, but also to search for alternatives to gasoline for transport. Now we’re working for a so-called biofuel. It can be produced from almost from anything: rape, wheat, sugar beet, wheat, corn and so on. Biofuel technology is constantly improving. Markets for this type of fuel at the moment is virtually unlimited. The main and only problem of biofuels and renewable energy sources is money. Today, even taking into account environmental impact and sometimes more appropriate use of the above, the value of the received energy is much higher than traditional energy sources. Now this is a major problem and working direction for all scientists and engineers – to make new fuels economically viable to use.


Energy Saving Tips

Save money with these easy energy tips for your home and office!

Heating and cooling your home or office space can account for more than 50% of your utility bill.

  • Purchase energy efficient heating and cooling equipment which can save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs over the life of the unit.
  • Use a programmable thermostat to help regulate temperatures while away or at night — you can save 10% a year by turning your thermostat back 7–10 degrees for 8 hours a day.
  • Change furnace filters regularly – clean filters keep heating and air systems working efficiently.
  • Inspect air ducts and repair leaks –heated air leaked into unheated spaces can add hundreds of dollars a year to your utility bill.
  • Seal air leaks around your home – check windows sills and door frames, attic entrances, fireplace doors and flues, recessed lighting, outlet and switch panels, and plumbing and utility accesses into your home.
  • Add insulation to your attic – one of the most cost-effective ways to regulate your household temperature year round is to add insulation.
  • Use shades or drapes to control the warmth of the sun in your home during winter and summer months.

Water heating can account for almost 20% of your utility bill.

  • Purchase an Energy Star water heater of the correct size to meet your family’s hot water needs – a family of four typically needs only a 50 to 60 gallon tank.
  • Adjust the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees – typical households don’t need water hotter than this – and remember to turn your heater down or off when you are gone for extended periods of time.
  • Insulate your hot water tank as well as the first 6 feet of the water pipes connected to the water heater.
  • Periodically drain a portion of water from the bottom of the water heater according to manufacturer’s instructions to remove sediment that can lower its efficiency.
  • Install low-flow faucets and shower heads – a 10 minute shower with a regular shower head can use over 40 gallons of water whereas a low flow faucet at 2.5 gallons per minute will use only 25 gallons of water.
  • Use cold water for laundry – 90% of the energy consumed by your washing machines goes toward heating water.

Lighting, appliance and electronics usage can account for about 20% of your utility bill.

  • Use energy efficient incandescent bulbs which last much longer and use less energy than tradition bulbs – replacing 15 traditional bulbs in your home or office with energy efficient bulbs can save you $50 a year.
  • Place solar powered outdoor lights along walkways – they are inexpensive and can decrease the need for electric lights.
  • Make use of timers, photocells, dimmers and three-way bulbs to control lighting usage in and outside your home or business.
  • Use power strips to plug in TVs, game consoles and computers, and turn the power strips off when not in use – many electronics continue to use several watts of power when in standby mode.
  • Run full loads in your dishwasher and washing machine – large and small loads require the same amount of electricity to run.

Energy Saving Tips

  • Purchase Energy Star appliances and electronics – they use less energy than required by federal standards and will save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs over the life of the unit.

Compare renewable energy systems

Want to save money and make your home more energy efficient, but don’t know where to start? Renewable energy systems allow your family to live more comfortably all year round, without worrying about a high energy bill each month.

Don’t know what type of system is right for your family?

To help you distinguish between the different types of renewable energy systems, we have created a comparison chart that highlights how each one ranks for areas you might be concerned about.

Compare renewable energy systems

Green home energy for Your life